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GC Task Success Survey: design system

The GC Task Success Survey is a continuously running web intercept survey that asks questions related to three key elements: task success, ease, and satisfaction.

Get started

Measuring the visitor experience of

Why measure task success

How the GC Task Success Survey benefits digital government needs

Survey methods

Survey questions and methodology

How to use survey results

Actions and case studies

Accessing and analyzing survey data

Understanding results and visitor comments from your survey

Survey results, reports, and comments

Get survey datasets, access and download responses

How to analyze comments

Methods for analyzing open text

Sharing survey insights

Tips for communicating your findings

Deciding what to improve

Framework to prioritize continuous improvement work

Managing survey tasks

Guidance for writing tasks, adding or editing tasks, current and past task lists

Choosing and writing tasks

Identify your top tasks, best practices for writing clear task labels

Adding or editing tasks

How to make changes to your task lists

Request a custom task list

Collect targeted survey data on specific content like a program or campaign

Task list clean up

Best practices for keeping your task lists up to date

Support and updates

Where to go for help with the GC Task Success Survey

Contact and support

Office hours, contacts, working group

Page details

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