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Why measure task success: design system

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What are top tasks

People come to with a goal in mind and a task that they want to accomplish.

Types of tasks:

Top tasks are the collection of tasks that represent 80% of the visits to your site.’s site structure is designed to reflect the top tasks Canadians are trying to complete on the site.

Why measure task success

“We must measure the customer experience by rigorously identifying their top tasks and measuring the success rate.” - Gerry McGovern

The Policy on Service and Digital and Government of Canada Digital Standards call on institutions to deliver services that are user-centric by design.

The GC Task Success Survey measures the performance of the Government of Canada web presence for visitors in three ways: task success, ease and satisfaction.

The survey helps center our work on visitor needs by:

Common performance indicators

With all institutions in the Government of Canada running this survey, we now have a common set of performance indicators across the web channel that can be leveraged to improve services.

Delivering better services

Measuring online task success should help us deliver better digital and service outcomes.

The survey acts as one of many change mechanisms to advance how we prioritize our work and how we work (skills, processes) to provide better service.

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