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GC Task Success Survey methodology: design

The survey is a collaboration between Principal Publisher and the Digital Transformation Office and is mandatory for all GC websites covered under FAA Schedules I, I.1 and II.

On this page

Sample size

10% of visitors to the GC web presence are randomly invited to participate in the survey. If institutions require more responses, Principal Publisher can support by creating more invitations.

Survey design

Survey invitation

When visitors arrive on a webpage, a pop-up invites visitors at random to complete the survey at the end of their visit. If visitors select “Yes, after my visit” on the pop-up, the survey opens in a separate window or tab. Visitors are asked to return to that window or tab to complete the survey after they have finished their visit on the website.

Survey invitation that reads "You are one of the few visitors who have been selected to share your feedback. Please take less than 5 minutes at the end of your visit to answer 6 questions about your experience online" Then there are two options for yes and no.

Survey questions

  1. Have you finished your visit?
    • Yes
    • No
  2. First, pick the category that best describes the main reason for your visit today

    Read the full list of categories and tasks on GCXchange (internal only)

  3. How satisfied were you with your experience on the website?

    • Very dissatisfied
    • Dissatisfied
    • Neutral
    • Satisfied
    • Very satisfied
  4. How easy or difficult was it to use the website?

    • Very difficult
    • Difficult
    • Neither difficult or easy
    • Easy
    • Very easy
  5. Were you able to complete what you came to do?

    • Yes, I think so (go to question 6)
    • No, I don’t think so (go to question 7)
    • I started this survey before I finished my visit (end of survey)
  6. If yes, open text question - How could we have created a better experience for you? (optional)

  7. If no, open text question - Why weren’t you able to complete what you came to do?

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