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Page feedback tool guidance: design system

The page feedback tool is a research tool that can help you better understand issues affecting task success at the page level.

Get started

Understanding the page level user experience of

How the tool works

Why collect feedback, feedback tool design

When to use page feedback

When to use the tool, how not to use feedback

How page feedback can help your work

Taking action and improving content management, case studies

Implementing the page feedback tool

Code and implementation guidance for using the page feedback tool


Get the code to implement the page feedback tool on your site

Using and understanding page feedback

Accessing and analyzing user feedback from your page feedback tool.

Access page feedback

Get feedback from your pages

Methods for analyzing feedback

Tips and methods for analyzing user feedback

Sharing feedback insights

Tips for communicating your feedback findings

Deciding what to improve

Framework to prioritize continuous improvement work


Where to go for help with your page feedback


Contact us to get help with your page feedback tool or join the working group.

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