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Case study: Improved content design: design system

By reading GC Task Success Survey comments for the Submit and Employment Insurance report task, the team at Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) was able to spot an issue that they believed could be improved through minor content design changes.

A common complaint was that the reporting link was hard to find on the Employment Insurance reporting page.

“Finding the sign-in homepage link is a challenge”
  • There was an inline link to begin a report in the middle of a long paragraph.
  • The primary call-to-action button was after serveral lengthy paragraphs of text.

What they did

As a team, they:


For users

  • increased click-through on sign-in button
  • decreased time spent on page (~200 user hours saved / week)

For the team

  • acted on survey comments, socialized and leveraged GC Task Success survey comments
  • learned to use A/B testing and can now apply the skill to more complex problems

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