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Global footer: Contextual band: design system

Last updated: 2023-04-06


The contextual footer band is an optional element of the global footer.

It provides support links that are specific to an entire group of pages, such as contact details for a program. A group of pages might be an entire theme, all the pages related to a specific program or service, or all the pages related to a single organization.

2022 design update: We’ve recently updated this pattern as part of a new navigation strategy coming out of the Wayfinding research project. To find out more about this project, visit the Research and rationale section on this page.

Diagram of contextual band for large screens. Text version below:

On this page

When to use

The footer generally acts as a rescue for people. They check it if they don't find what they want in the main content of the page.

Use a contextual footer band when you have a consistent set of rescue links that should be available throughout a specific group of pages.

Tip: If your pages have previously had a contextualized Contact us link in the global footer, you should add a contextual footer band.

What to avoid

The content of this band shouldn’t duplicate the Government of Canada links in the main footer band.

Don’t use this band for a single page. It should apply to a group of related pages.

Content and design

Include only 1 contextual footer band on any page.

Content specifications

Limit this band to a single row with a maximum of 3 links.

Include a heading that’s relevant to the content in this band, such as the name of the organization, theme or program.

Remember that it's a rescue pattern when you're choosing content for this band. It’s ok if something like a contact link appears in both the content area and the footer. If you have a page that has contact information in the body, it’s ok to have another contact link in the footer.

Choose links that people will expect to find in a footer based on web conventions. Common contextual footer links could include:

Design specifications

Design specifications for this band are:

Visual examples

The contextual band should remain the same for the whole group of pages under the theme or institution.

Example for the Veterans and military theme
Contextual band for a theme. Text version below:
Text version

Contextual band for the Veterans and military theme with the title “Contacts” and 3 contextual links: “Veterans contacts,” “Military contacts,” and “Contact the RCMP”

Example for an institution
Contextual band for an institution. Text version below:
Text version

Contextual band for an institution with the title “Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada” and 3 contextual links: “Contact AAFC,” “News,” and “Consultations”

How to implement

GCweb (WET) theme implementation reference


Alternate options for standard pages

Alternate options for transactional or campaign pages


Determine the footer configuration that best suits your needs for the type of page you're creating. Refer to your implementation's guidance to customize the contextual band or sub-footer band links.

Research and rationale

We updated the global footer for to align with a new overall navigation strategy that came out of the Wayfinding research project.

Latest changes

Added links to GC-AEM, CDTS and Drupal WxT implementation guidance
Added links to the research summary and blog post for the Wayfinding project
Added guidance for this new pattern


Page details

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