About the institution: Canada.ca design
Last updated: 2024-04-03
The about the institution pattern is a section on an institutional landing page that provides links to corporate, program and policy information.

On this page
When to use
About the institution is a mandatory pattern on an institutional landing page. It must include mandate and transparency links.
What to avoid
Don’t use icons or images (only include links).
Content and design
Find content and design specifications and visual examples.
Content specifications
The heading is “About” followed by the name of the institution.
The heading appears above the links on all screen sizes.
Mandatory links:
- Mandate
- Transparency
- Accessibility
Optional links:
- Programs
- Consultations
- Organizational structure
- Reports
- Job opportunities
More: About the [Institution]
- only if you have a general “About” page for your institution
- Other links can include any content that falls under corporate information or program and policy development content types
Organize the links in an unstyled list.
Recommended maximum of 10 links.
Design specifications
Uses standard Canada.ca styles:
- Typography
- Colours
- Heading is coded as an H2 but styled as an H3
Uses standard Canada.ca styles:
- List links:
- Uses standard Canada.ca styles:
- Line-height of link: 1.65em
The list of links appears in:
- 2 columns on large screens
- 1 column on small screens
Visual examples

Image description: about the institution - large screen
About the institution links appear in a section with the heading “About the [Institution]”. The links appear in a bulleted list that spans across two columns. The first column has:
- Mandate
- Organizational structure
- Transparency
- Accessibility
- Job opportunities
The second column has:
- Reports
- Compliance
- Enforcements notifications
- [Institutional link]
- More: About the [institution]

Image description: about the institution - small screen
About the institution links appear in a section with the heading “About the [Institution]”. The design organizes links in a bulleted list:
- Mandate
- Organizational structure
- Transparency
- Accessibility
- Job opportunities
- Reports
- Compliance
- Enforcements notifications
- [Institutional link]
- More: About the [institution]
How to implement
Find working examples and code for implementing the about the institution pattern.
GCweb (WET) theme implementation reference
The implementation reference includes how to configure elements of the design system.
- GCWeb (WET) About the institution
- GCWeb (WET) Institutional landing page
- Quick implementation guide - GCWeb theme
Determine what best suits the type of page you're creating.
For the Government of Canada Adobe Experience Manager (AEM):
Research and rationale
Consult resarch findings and policy rationale.
Research findings
Research shows that this section isn’t what most people are looking for when they reach an institutional landing page. Therefore, this pattern appears near the bottom of the page so it doesn’t interfere with more important tasks.
Policy rationale
The about the institution pattern is required in the following mandatory templates:
Latest changes
- Added about the institution guidance to support updates to the institutional landing page template
Page details
- Date modified: