Transparency: [Institution]

Proactive disclosure of information, made public so that Canadians and Parliament are better able to hold the Government and public sector officials to account.

Guidance: Page title and introduction


Use the applied title of the institution, as specified in the Registry of Applied Titles.

Use the legal title if the applied title is not available.

Do not use acronyms or abbreviations.

Introduction text

Use the suggested introduction text or adjust it to your situation.

Keep the introduction text short.

Mandate letter from the Prime Minister

Commitments and top priorities identified by the government

Departmental plan

Performance goals for the coming fiscal year

Departmental results report

Performance targets met for the 2017-18 fiscal year

Travel and hospitality expenses

Disclosure of expenditures on Travel, Hospitality and Conferences

Government contracts awarded

Disclosure of contracts over $10,000

Grants and contributions

Disclosure of transfers of money, goods, services or assets to individuals, organizations or other levels of government

Disclosure of serious wrongdoing in the workplace

Disclosure of wrongdoing found to have been committed

Reclassification of public service positions

Disclosure of government positions that have been reclassified.

Quarterly financial reports

Quarterly spending at a departmental level

Audits and evaluations

Annual reports of audit and evaluations for programs and services at [institution]


Public consultations and reports on completed consultations

Briefing documents

Briefing notes prepared for the President, Secretary and senior managers

Guidance: Services and information

Adjust the items in this section to your needs.

Use the Services and information pattern.

Didn’t find what you were looking for

Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) requests:

Guidance: ATIP requests

Link the "Make an ATIP request" button to the page where people can make ATIP requests about your institution.

Link "Find previous ATIP requests" to the Open Government portal. You can link to a pre-filtered list for your organization.

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