Ministerial profile pages: design
- Mandatory
- Last updated: 2021-09-27
A ministerial profile page is the landing page for ministers, parliamentary secretaries and heads of quasi-judicial organizations. It provides a consistent biographical overview and clarifies their roles and responsibilities.
On this page
When to use
Use the ministerial profile template to provide a consistent presentation for information about:
- ministers of the Government of Canada
- parliamentary secretaries included in the “Parliamentary Secretaries” tab of the ministers index
- heads of quasi-judicial arm’s-length institutions
What to avoid
Don't use this template more than once for each minister, parliamentary secretary or head of organization.
How to implement
Use this template and follow the guidance:

Ministerial profile page
The Honourable [Minister name], MP | [Parliamentary secretary’s name] | [Head of institution or organization's name]

Minister of [Portfolio name one] and [Portfolio name two] | Parliamentary secretary to the [Minister of portfolio name] | [Official title of the head]
Represents the riding of [Riding name]
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Similique ex commodi autem laudantium aliquam id, voluptate possimus quod illo velit vero, at dolorum sequi ipsam culpa fugit, molestias quaerat vitae.
Contact information
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Telephone: 123-456-7890
Email: []
Features [optional]
Latest changes
replaced Latest, Recent announcements, and Gallery with a flexible Features section
removed the social media feed
simplified and streamlined the guidance
clarified how to display ministers, parliamentary secretaries and heads of organizations
Page details
- Date modified: