Institutional byline design pattern: design
We are decommissioning the institutional byline pattern. We do not recommend adding this pattern to your pages. If you would like to link to the institutions or organizations that support the content on the page please use the contributors pattern.
The institutional byline provides people with a link to the institution or institutions responsible for the content.
When to use this pattern
- Use only on destination pages such as service initiation or generic pages; do not use on navigation pages like themes, topic pages, institutional/organizational profiles
- Use only once on the page to provide a link to the institution, organization or similar entity responsible for the content
How to use this pattern
- The link to the institution or organization is introduced by the word “From:”
- Only links pointing to institutional profile pages, organizational profile pages, or partnering/collaborative arrangement profile pages are permitted
- Only one institution or organization should appear in the institutional byline
- The link label must be the same as the name that appears on the institutional or organizational profile page being linked to
- Position the institutional byline directly underneath the page title, aligned to the left
- Use standard paragraph and link styles
- Do not place this block in line with other text blocks or layout elements; it stands alone
Working example

Page details
- Date modified: